Saturday, July 18, 2009

How to live without tons of shoes on vacation ...

I have the best sister in the world! She recently emailed me to tell me she was sending me an early birthday present (by 6 months!). Her gifts are always cool but sometime they are offbeat and wacky so I didn’t know what to expect.

I was totally unprepared to open the package and find a pair of shoes. I mean nobody buys shoes for another woman especially when the two people involved have totally different taste. However, as I examined the contents and began to read what I was looking at, I was blown away.

How in the world with my love of travel and knowledge of the Internet did I not know about these incredible gems?? Yes, I was devastated at the ever increasing luggage restrictions and on my last trip I had to cut down from 18 pair of shoes to 9! I know, I’ve tried but how could I resist filling one of my husband’s bags with extra shoes? I have to have them coordinate and for those outfits that require a specific but uncomfortable pair … I have to have a backup!

So, I was floored to hold in my hand a pair of travel shoes that can almost take the place of the majority of my shoes! Impossible you say? I know, I thought there has to be a glitch. They’re probably uncomfortable. Well, they’re not. I walked around in them all day. If there is one negative it’s that they are a little noisy like flip flops. However, they are definitely worth a little noise.

Whether you want casual or dressy; quirky and fun or, just basic single color – you can have it all! The shoes consist of the foundation “soles” with interchangeable tops and there are tons of tops to choose from including customized tops to match a specific outfit!

I personally loved the specialty top she included with “birthday” gift … it’s a cruise ship!! The saddest part is that I have to wait until October to test them out on a trip.

I’m sure you now want to know where you can get them. Just go to and pick up a pair! Do follow their suggestion and go up a size.

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